AID Monuments 2025
Ten years after its last edition, the AID Monuments 2025 conference (Architecture, engIneering, and Design for Monuments safeguarding) aims to expand the boundaries of its disciplines by focusing on the design aspects essential for the protection and conservation of monumental heritage.
As we navigate a contemporary scenario increasingly dedicated to the valorization, accessibility, and communication of historical, artistic, and architectural treasures, the established themes of the conference are geared toward uncovering the most innovative design strategies, often integrated by the application of digital technologies.
Central to the design efforts is a deep understanding of monumental heritage and an interpretation of its value system. This framework promotes a synergistic and sequential cultural approach, deeply rooted in tradition while remaining aligned with future aspirations. The methodologies and tools of architecture and engineering converge into a unified design culture that is both cross-disciplinary and widely applicable.
Submissions for the conference are expected to encompass both theoretical and critical perspectives, as well as the presentation of notable case studies, organized around three core topics: Model, Interpretation, and Project.
The identity of a historical, artistic or architectural asset finds full expression in the models, which are generally used to obtain a better understanding of the object of study, constructed through the collection and organization of the available information, which becomes a tool for investigation and diagnosis. Contributions may present both reflections on the role and current significance of the model, as well as proposals for new analytical-mathematical models and applications to real case studies in which the model plays a leading role.
The body of knowledge on a historical, artistic or architectural asset, even deriving from the analysis of advanced models, needs to be interpreted, through specific innovative and experimental methodologies, in order to determine the best intervention strategies aimed at the continuation of the asset’s life. Contributions may present exemplary cases of knowledge interpretation, potentially replicable and generalizable.
The system of values that characterize and identify a historical, artistic or architectural asset must maintain its recognizability in the process of defining intervention strategies. Contributions may present critical considerations and methodological approaches to the project or propose realized case studies, as long as they open up debate and nurture the dissemination of project culture.
The presentation of interdisciplinary contributions, the result of the joint work of research groups from different fields of study, professionals and institutions working in the field of the conference theme, is encouraged.
Contributions are therefore expected on: history of architecture; survey and representation of architecture and monumental heritage; modelling and structural consolidation; structural analysis and monitoring; conservation, restoration and reuse of monumental heritage; interventions for the enhancement of internal and external public spaces at the scale of detail.
Perugia 21-24 May 2025

Sala dei Notari

Complesso Monumentale
di San Pietro